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install Horego sekarang

Erdem U

Erdem U


I was overpaid like another guest wrote in his comment. And no, contrary to what management wrote here as a reply to that customer like next time please come again so we will correct, no, asking the reason of this during payment nor coming there again a few hours later did not change anything. It clearly says outside that the coffee is 20k between 09 and 12 hrs. I went there around 10 00, asked for the bill at 11.00. It should be 60k, but turned out as 71k. The waitress corrected after noticing it, but faces are not friendly, i can see that. She made this with a face! I later came back again. This time the bill was 77k!! I mean.. come on. OK, you are adding service charge, but how 20k coffee was once calculated from 31k, in another calculation 25k but never 20k? .. and when i express this, all i see is a hard face??? You'll say sorry. It's not me who will feel sorry. It was interesting experience with you. I'm 52, what i see is you give no f to customer. You don't feel responsible for your own mistakes. You are so relaxed when customer comes up with that to you. You feel disturbed that the customer is asking for a correction. So that makes me think: Is this being made on purpose? If that was my place, i would not only say sorry to customer 1000 times, i would not give his money back, i would offer him that drink free of charge one more time/next time. Not because I waited for it !! That part is very important. Just to tell you the mentality difference. With this attitude to customer, you don't quite fit into Bali, dear Mingle.

27 Jul 2023