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install Horego sekarang

Lauren Hardern

Lauren Hardern


No idea why this place has great reviews. They turned out 3 plates of food in an hour and of those 3, served my one plate after the table that ordered after me. I asked where my meal was on several occasions and politely complained when paying. Nothing was offered to compensate or deduction from bill at any point. They blamed only having one cook - not a problem but the 2 waiting staff were assisting and they forgot my order. If the food had been great it would have made up for it but it was average. I ordered a speciality house dish but it was bland. No idea why this has high reviews. I also don't complain easily or leave negative reviews, I'm normally easily pleased. Tip for Warung Krishna, if you make a mistake, at least apologise if you aren't going to compensate rather than making an excuse. Avoid.

11 Oct 2023